Meeting details
Weekly Seminar: Wednesdays 1.30-4.15 in Axinn 105
Screenings: Tuesdays @ 8PM in person or virtual depending on the week
In this course we will
I’m Louisa Stein, your professor for FMMC 223: Fan Video: Theory & Practice. I’m a professor in the Film and Media Culture Department, and my teaching and research focus on audience, fandom, audience authorship, and remix culture. I’ve written a book on Millennial Fandom, and am an editor on the recently-published [A Tumblr Book](http://I%E2%80%99m%20Louisa%20Stein,%20your%20professor%20for%20FMMC%20358:%20Theories%20of%20Spectatorship,%20Audience,%20&%20Fandom.%20I%E2%80%99m%20a%20professor%20in%20the%20Film%20and%20Media%20Culture%20Department,%20and%20my%20teaching%20and%20research%20focus%20on%20audience,%20fandom,%20audience%20authorship,%20and%20remix%20culture.%20I%E2%80%99ve%20written%20a%20book%20on%20Millennial%20Fandom,%20and%20am%20an%20editor%20on%20the%20forthcoming%20A%20Tumblr%20Book.%20(In%20the%20past%20I%E2%80%99ve%20co-edited%20books%20on%20the%20BBC%E2%80%99s%20Sherlock%20and%20Teen%20TV.)%20I%20also%20make%20video%20remixes,%20or%20vids,%20myself,%20and%20I%E2%80%99m%20especially%20interested%20in%20the%20way%20fan%20video%20traditions%20can%20be%20brought%20in%20conversation%20with%20the%20evolving%20field%20of%20videographic%20criticism.%20%20If%20you%E2%80%99d%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20my%20work,%20take%20a%20look%20at%20my%20website%20and%20feel%20free%20to%20follow%20me%20on%20twitter%20@l_e_s./). (In the past I’ve co-edited books on the BBC’s Sherlock and Teen TV.) I am currently editing a handbook on Transcultural Fan Video and Digital Authorship, and my most recent work focuses on fan video for the series The Untamed and on transcultural K-pop fan practices. I also make video remixes and video essays myself, and I’m especially interested in the way fan video traditions can be brought in conversation with the evolving field of videographic criticism.
If you’d like to know more about my work, take a look at my website and feel free to follow me on twitter @l_e_s.
Thank you so much to Heather Stafford and Sarah Lohnes Watulack and the whole Middlebury Camp Design and DLINQ team for your support in making my class sites, be they on Canvas, Wordpress, or Notion. The course design was inspired by the terrific digital pedagogy work of Kim Jaxon and Michael Wesch, with additional inspiration from the Teaching in Highed Ed podcast.
Finally, thanks to my fellow syllabi/course site planners on our Syllabus Support discord, and to my Vexercise collaborators/partners in crime Bonibaru & Nu_Breed, and to the inspiring and creative members of the Vexercise community who dove into all these vidding exercises for the first time in March of 2020, at a time when it was hard to embark upon anything.