Screenings this year are virtual/asynchronous, though I strongly encourage you to watch them during our reserved screening time and to connect with one another on Teams in our Screening Discussion channel as you watch. (Or, if you’d like, we do have Axinn 100 reserved — you could gather there or at one anothers’ dorms etc. if you’d like to organize a screening party!) You will be responsible for discussing/sharing your thoughts on the screenings each week on the weekly screening channel on Teams.
Every week, you'll have a selection of readings assigned: a combination of academic readings, popular readings, and sometimes video essays/multimedia. All of these readings will be linked from the course site. There is no text book for this class. These readings are the core through-line in the class, and you need to have completed them before class in order to participate in class discussions and online discussions. I've tried not to overwhelm with too many readings with the intent that you'll actually be able to read/watch them by class. A tip for how to approach these readings etc: try to pick out 3 key quotes that speak to you, 2 connections you make with the readings (personal connections, with other classes, with other things we've talked about etc.), and 1 question you have (either clarifying or expansive). If you do this for each piece, you can feel confident that you're sufficiently prepared for class. [I borrowed this 3-2-1 rule of thumb from the awesome Shawna Shapiro from our Writing & Rhetoric program.]
Read, Inquire, Discuss
In response to the weekly readings, you will write substantive musings/questions (aka inquiries). Post your inquiries in the specified Canvas discussion board each week. You can start your own thread or respond to a thread that’s already ongoing. Your initial inquiry must be posted Tuesday night.
Each week, in addition to writing up your own inquiry, respond to at least one of your fellow classmate's inquiries, and to any responses you receive. You will have until Sunday night to write these second responses.
Every student is expected to contribute at least 500 words each week, including both their initial post and responses to others. Any longer conversations will count for extra credit.
Your inquiries will consist of thoughtful queries that you pose of the readings and of each other, or that the readings inspire you to ask. (Please note: Inquiries should not be yes or no, factually-based questions.) Your inquiries may explore points you didn’t fully understand, examine associations prompted by the readings, consider connections between the readings, or point to gaps you feel the readings have left unexplored. The writing style for these inquiries can be casual. Feel free to include links, embed video, and even incorporate GIFs and memes as you see fit. I especially encourage ongoing conversation, with whatever twists and turns emerge.
The inquiries and resulting discussions will be graded periodically on a 10 point scale. I will take into account improvement as you get used to the format. You have the option to skip/drop one week’s inquiry conversation.
Depending on the direction of the class discussion, we may explore selected inquiries in class.
After each completed vexercise assignment, you’ll respond to a series of prompts about your process and experience, what you learned, what you might wish you did differently, etc. If you wish, you can self-assess as part of your commentary, using bloom’s taxonomy. These reflections are due as assignments the Friday after each vexercise is due. There will also be periodic process commentaries for the weekly discussions, likewise due on Canvas as assignments.
Part way through the semester, I’ll break you into groups based on interest in particular genres/subgenres of fan video. We’ll devote 2-3 class sessions to your sharing your insights onto the subgenres based on specific readings and your own research. Together you’ll prepare a 15-20 minute presentation + discussion questions or some type of activity. If you’d like to do an editing oriented activity, please reach out to Naomi or myself so we can help with the planning.