For the Long Take/Montage film production assignment, you and your group mates will sign out equipment from the FMMC equipment room. You will be responsible for the safe return of this equipment at the time specified.
FMMC website that supports all things FMMC student production. Workflows, equipment listings, and equipment and room reservations available here.
We’ll be using Teams for text-based discussion, for group work, for assignment submission, and for assessment. We will have a tech and creative help discussion board and various chat threads on teams. You can use Teams to message other students and me individually as well.
For Weekly Discussions, you’ll have the choice between using Teams for text discussion, Flip for video discussion, or some combination of the two.
There are two assignments that require editing to different degrees in the class. Premiere is the software we use as our main editing tool in the FMMC department. Middlebury has a free license for educational use. You can download Premiere through the college following these instructions. You can also watch this video for instructions. If your laptop does not have the capacity to support Premiere, you can also use the computers in Axinn 105 or the Wilson Media Lab, which are all equipped with Premiere. Here is a walkthrough on how to install Premiere on your own laptop. You may also wish to purchase an external hard drive for editing purposes.
We will be using LinkedIn Tutorials to help you learn your way around Premiere. Middlebury College has a subscription to these tutorials. You do not need to pay for them yourself; log in with your Middlebury credentials.
If you’d like to share your work on the departmental playlists for Aesthetics, you can find them here.
Aesthetics of the Moving Image
Aesthetics of the Moving Image