The Writing Center is an academic hub for students on campus. We encourage meaningful, exploratory writing.

Our trained professional and peer tutors (many of whom are embedded in FYS and CW intensive writing courses) are available to work with students on many different types of writing, as well as on the emotional (motivation, confidence, engagement) and cognitive (process, genre, metacognitive) elements of writing. We encourage students to schedule appointments wherever they are in their writing process (pre-writing/brainstorming, synthesizing information, revising, etc.) And, yes, this means you can come in even if you don’t have a draft; in fact, these are some of our favorite kinds of sessions! Our goal is to empower students to find their voices as they develop into more confident and effective writers.

Since both tutoring and writing are collaborative activities, we ask that students come prepared to work with their writing tutor. Here are some suggestions for making the most out of your session:

The Writing Center also provides other support. Check out our website for programs, writes-ins and more. To schedule an appointment, use Go/WCOnline or contact your designated course tutor.